In last week’s Tech Talk, we covered how to effectively use mounting clips. This week, we’re going to go over some commonly overlooked details while planning a project.
What details get overlooked?
LED Neon Flex is a highly customizable fixture, and because of this, there are many small things that might not occur to a designer while planning a project. We’re going to cover 3 of them today:
- Connector sizes.
- Required connector clearance in mounting channels.
- Bending limitations of lead wires.
These are details that are commonly overlooked for one reason or another. We’re going to clear up some misconceptions and help you understand why these are important considerations.
Connector Sizes
When we’re talking about overlooking connector sizes, we mean one specific part. It isn’t the size of the connector itself, rather the extra length it adds to the ends of fixtures. This varies based on profile and connector type.
As an example, let’s look at the Vivid S 270 Spec Sheet.

A seamless end cap will add 0.08in (2mm) to the end of a fixture. The end exit, however, adds 0.2in (5mm) to the end of a fixture. This is fairly negligible, but is important to keep in mind if you need to fit the fixture into a pre-existing channel.
Snap connectors add more length to the ends of fixtures than seamless. A snap end cap adds 0.77in (19.5mm) to the end of a fixture. It is quite a difference in comparison to the seamless end cap.
You can find the specs for all of our connectors and profiles on their respective spec sheets. If you have any questions, always contact your Account Manager.
Connector Clearance
Being a flexible fixture, LED Neon Flex will expand and contract with temperature fluxuations. Because of this, it is very important to give the connectors proper clearance when installed in the mounting hardware.

To allow the fixture to fluctuate, leave a space of 0.4in to 0.8in (10-20mm) between the connectors and the mounting hardware. Installing the fixture with the ends too close to the channel or clips can cause stress on the connectors and increases the risk of damage. You can find more details of proper installation in the Install Manuals for the fixtures you’re installing.
Lead Wire Bending Limitations
It is important to consider your lead wires when designing, since they will be powering your fixtures. If you do not want the lead wires visible in your installation, make sure to take into consideration the exit location (bottom, side or end) as well as the bending limitations of the lead wires.

To avoid risking damage to the connectors, and possibly ruining the ingression seals, do not bend the lead wire too close to the connector. We recommend allowing a 2in (5cm) length of wire to remain straight from the connector before bending it. This will help keep the connectors and lead wires intact as well as damage free!
Check back in for our next Tech Talk on May 8th!
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